#EndSARS: Our Position


The #MakeOurHospitalWork Campaign is a citizen-led community-based advocacy to make hospitals and primary health care systems function optimally for everyone anywhere in Nigeria.

We have observed with deep concerns and outrage the recent developments in the country and wish to state as follows:

  1. We salute the Nigerian Youth for their courage, organisation and coordination in expressing themselves in a peaceful manner against police brutality through the #EndSARS Movement.
  2. We condemn in the strongest and unequivocal terms the killing of peaceful protesters across the country by security officials, especially the Lekki Massacre of 20th October 2020.
  3. We also condemn the attacks on Lagoon Hospitals Apapa, Lagos and some pharmaceutical stores,  the disruption of healthcare delivery and destruction of public utilities across the country.
  4. We urge citizens to stop destroying public facilities and security agents to stop shooting citizens henceforth, as this creates a new public health emergency and overburdens our health system. .
  5. We urge the security officials across the country to protect health facilities and health workers to enable them do their job without fear.
  6. We urge the government at all levels to strengthen hospitals to enable them respond effectively to the national medical emergencies arising from the current crisis.
  7. We urge citizens to donate blood freely to hospitals especially in hot spots to help save lives of injured compatriots.
  8. We commend the Federal Government for directing strict adherent the provisions of National Health Act 2020 which stipulates that on no account should any health provider decline emergency health services.
  9. We demand that state governors ensure the recruitment of clinical psychologists and mental health experts to provide psychotherapy to families of the slain #EndSARS protestors, all victims of attacks and Nigerian Youths in general who have been severely traumatised by the attacks and killings.
  10. We demand an effective public health response to mitigate potential health effects of the environmental pollution from the burning of tyres and possible second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  11. We demand that the government makes more efficient investments in the health sector to #MakeOurHospitalWork.


MakeOurHospitalWork Campaign.

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