Make Our Hospital Work Campaign
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A Citizen Led Advocacy termed MAKE OUR HOSPITAL WORK Lunched on June 15, 2020.
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A citizen-led community-based advocacy to improve the quality of healthcare services in hospitals and primary health care facilities across Nigeria.
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We Need You!
Please Join Us in this noble cause to #MakeOurHospitalWork
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We envision world where every health facility is optimally functional, accessible and affordable to all.


To ensure the optimisation of healthcare facilities with citizens involvement using affordable sustainable resources.

3rd MakeOurHospitalWork Conference

Who Are We ?

#MakeOurHospitalWork Campaign is citizen-led community-based advocacy to improve the quality of healthcare services in hospitals and primary health care facilities across Nigeria. We want every health facility to provide quality health care to the satisfaction of its users in a sustainable manner.

We believe that every Nigerian should have access to the best possible quality of health care services no matter where they live, how much they have or their physical status. We also believe that communities must be involved in the governance of health care facilities in accordance with the National Health Act 2014 and other relevant health policies….

Health Facilities
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